Injury Lawyers

Many people understand the pain that comes after a tractor trailer accident. Whether it is the emotional and mental pain you go through as a result of the trauma you have experienced or the physical pain you are enduring due to the injuries you sustained, you may know that surviving a tractor trailer accident is no small thing. However, many people who survive these accidents go through years of pain and may learn quickly that the injuries they sustained will never fully go away. If you were involved in a tractor trailer accident and have a permanent disability as a result, it is time to see how a lawyer can help you during this difficult period. 

How do I know how much my costs will be? 

Immediately following your accident, it can be extremely difficult to tell how much your costs will be out-of-pocket. In fact, even if you do not have a permanent disability, you may not know your projected costs until you sit down with a lawyer. Your lawyer will be able to look at the cost of your injuries so far and help determine the projected future costs that come with needing to change how you live due to a disability. This can include: 

  • Future surgeries
  • Transportation needs
  • Outfitting your home to serve you better with a disability
  • Medication costs
  • In-home nurse costs, and more

Who will be paying for all of this? 

You should not be burdened with having to figure out how to pay for all of this. If you choose not to fight when someone else’s negligence caused your injuries from a tractor trailer accident, you forfeit the compensation you are owed. Instead, working with a lawyer can allow you to hold the people who caused this accident responsible. The liable party could be: 

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The mechanic company 
  • Local government (if the accident happened from poor roadwork)
  • The company that loads the cargo in the truck 

Once your lawyer examines the evidence, they can determine who should be held accountable and begin working to file a claim. Your lawyer will then negotiate with the insurance company to come to a settlement option that is fair to you. This process can be grueling, especially if the insurance company tries to get you on the phone to accept a payout without talking with your lawyer. It is critical that you always let your lawyer do the negotiating and that you do not take a settlement without first speaking with your lawyer. 

When you are suffering from a permanent disability following a tractor trailer accident, do not hesitate to speak with a lawyer you can rely on during this time who will have your best interests in mind and who will work to get you the settlement you deserve. Give your local law firm a call to set up a consultation now.

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