It shouldn’t happen, but unfortunately employment discrimination happens all too often. Discrimination can affect you emotionally, but also financially, especially when it happens in the workplace and your income or position are impacted by it. If you or a loved one have been the victim of employment discrimination, it may be time to talk with an experienced civil rights lawyer in Washington, DC, like from Eric Siegel Law, who can provide you with legal guidance, represent you in court, and more. Contact a law office to schedule an appointment.

Examples of Employment Discrimination

Some of the more common situations for employment discrimination include not being selected for a position, not receiving a promotion or pay raise, or being wrongly terminated. Things people sometimes discriminate for, even though they are protected classes, include age, race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, pregnancy, and more. All of these areas are specifically protected from discrimination in the workplace so that an employer cannot make employment decisions based on any of these things. This is important so that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

Steps of a Case

There are many steps to a legal case, but some of the ones that are important to be aware of include:

  • Gathering Evidence
    During this phase, you will want to start putting together all of your evidence. This could include video, emails, texts, recorded calls and conversations, and more. A lawyer can help explain where you should look for evidence and assist with gathering. Discrimination cases can be hard to prove, so the more evidence the better.
  • Lining up Witnesses
    Witnesses can be very helpful for strengthening your case because than corroborate your story. A lawyer can be beneficial for finding and talking to potential witnesses that could help win your case.
  • Settlement or Trial
    Depending on how your case goes, you could either end up settling for an agreed amount of compensation, or you could end up going to trial. Either way, an experienced lawyer can help you negotiate for a higher compensation or represent you in the courtroom.

Hire a Lawyer

Although you are not required to hire a lawyer in order to bring a lawsuit against your employer, it highly recommended that you do. A lawyer can offer you legal advice, file paperwork, write legal letters, represent you in court, and more. A lawyer can be a great ally to have on your side when it comes to going through a legal case, especially when it comes to a discrimination case, which can be difficult to prove. Contact a law firm today to schedule an initial consultation.

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